а также кофевар и архитектор воздушных замков и прочих умозрительных конструкций.
белибердоносец в звании мичмана, белый маг убеждения, словоблуд и мыслеплюй.
а также кофевар и архитектор воздушных замков и прочих умозрительных конструкций.
а также кофевар и архитектор воздушных замков и прочих умозрительных конструкций.
суббота, 22 марта 2014
snow job — a systematic deception; a deceptive story that tries to hide the truth.
You can generally tell when a student is trying to do a snow job.
This snow job you call an explanation just won't do.
You can generally tell when a student is trying to do a snow job.
This snow job you call an explanation just won't do.
пятница, 21 марта 2014
in one's book — according to one's personal judgment.
She's never lied to me, and in my book that counts for a lot.
in the book (the book — a set of rules, conventions, or standards) ~ in existence, present
That's the oldest trick in the book.
She's never lied to me, and in my book that counts for a lot.
in the book (the book — a set of rules, conventions, or standards) ~ in existence, present
That's the oldest trick in the book.
понедельник, 17 марта 2014
Alexandrovsky sad an Botanichesky sad.
thass why Vorobyovy gory.
thass why Vorobyovy gory.
воскресенье, 16 марта 2014
cheap shot
1. (in sports) a blow, shove, or tackle maliciously directed against an opponent who is defenseless or off guard.
2. any mean or unsportsmanlike remark or action, esp. one directed at a defenseless or vulnerable person.
1. (in sports) a blow, shove, or tackle maliciously directed against an opponent who is defenseless or off guard.
2. any mean or unsportsmanlike remark or action, esp. one directed at a defenseless or vulnerable person.
When chaos floods order, genius mounts a surfboard. (c) Rufus, Goodbye Deponia
вторник, 11 марта 2014
happy hour — a time of day, usually in the afternoon or early evening, when a bar or pub offers its drinks at a discounted price.
wikipedia article
wikipedia article
понедельник, 10 марта 2014
у кого-то множественные личности образовались по причине психического заболевания, а у меня есть вторичная в силу профессии. вернее, две вторичных, развиваю третью.
четверг, 06 марта 2014
sink or swim — to fail or succeed without alternative.
Irish-English terms, phrases and expressions
Irish craic
не поднимается рука поставить тэжик ландан из зе кепитл.
Irish craic
не поднимается рука поставить тэжик ландан из зе кепитл.
понедельник, 24 февраля 2014
Wednesday, 12 March, 2003
French fries in the House of Representatives' cafeterias will now be known as "freedom fries" as part of a Republican protest at France's opposition to a war on Iraq.
BBC News
French fries in the House of Representatives' cafeterias will now be known as "freedom fries" as part of a Republican protest at France's opposition to a war on Iraq.
BBC News
вторник, 18 февраля 2014
jump the shark
1. (idiomatic, of a television program or other narrative) To undergo a storyline development which heralds a fundamental and generally disappointing change in direction.
2. (more generally) To experience a decline in quality, appeal, popularity, etc.
вики объясняет происхождение
1. (idiomatic, of a television program or other narrative) To undergo a storyline development which heralds a fundamental and generally disappointing change in direction.
2. (more generally) To experience a decline in quality, appeal, popularity, etc.
вики объясняет происхождение
воскресенье, 16 февраля 2014
to a dot — до мельчайших подробностей
off one's dot — чокнутый
the year dot — брит., разг. давным-давно
to a dot — до мельчайших подробностей
off one's dot — чокнутый
the year dot — брит., разг. давным-давно
Davy Jones's Locker is an idiom for the bottom of the sea: the state of death among drowned sailors. It is used as an euphemism for death at sea (to be sent to Davy Jones's Locker).
понедельник, 27 января 2014
water bewitched
1. водичка (слабый чай, разбавленное спиртное и т. п.)
2. вода, пустословие, переливание из пустого в порожнее
1. водичка (слабый чай, разбавленное спиртное и т. п.)
2. вода, пустословие, переливание из пустого в порожнее
понедельник, 13 января 2014
Гармония сфер — представления древнегреческих мыслителей о музыкальном звучании планет, солнца, луны и их сфер, о музыкально-математической архитектонике космоса.
среда, 08 января 2014
see stars
Fig. to seem to see flashing lights after receiving a blow to the head.
I saw stars when I bumped my head on the attic ceiling.
The little boy saw stars when he fell headfirst onto the concrete.
Fig. to seem to see flashing lights after receiving a blow to the head.
I saw stars when I bumped my head on the attic ceiling.
The little boy saw stars when he fell headfirst onto the concrete.
Here goes nothing.
Inf. I am beginning to do something that will fail or be poorly done.
(A positive outcome is not expected but I'm going to try anyway.)
Inf. I am beginning to do something that will fail or be poorly done.
(A positive outcome is not expected but I'm going to try anyway.)
пятница, 03 января 2014
rain on somebody's parade — to spoil something for someone.
I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but you're not allowed to have alcohol on the premises.
I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but you're not allowed to have alcohol on the premises.
воскресенье, 29 декабря 2013
5. (US, slang) a literal translation used by students, often illicitly, in preparation for foreign language lessons or examinations (подстрочник)
collins, между прочим!
отсюда: дареному переводу в зубы не смотрят. а также: по коням, переводчики, нас ждут великие дела!
5. (US, slang) a literal translation used by students, often illicitly, in preparation for foreign language lessons or examinations (подстрочник)
collins, между прочим!
отсюда: дареному переводу в зубы не смотрят. а также: по коням, переводчики, нас ждут великие дела!
понедельник, 24 июня 2013